The plants are inherent defense mechanism to protect them from predators and pathogens. Disability, largely complementary defensive adjustments to help the plants to survive and reproduce successfully to move. Allelochemicals act as toxins in plants and in some cases reduce the digestibility of plant cell wall.
Some of the external structural properties of stem and leaves (spines, thorns, spines, etc.) in order to prevent insect damage greatly. These mechanical protection to deter, injure or kill herbivores. Some protective substances such as wax, resin, lignin, etc. in the epidermis of plants and herbivores to avoid feeding set.
Herbivores are critical elements in the food chain because they are a source of energy for the highest-ranking authorities in the food chain. Plants are the only source of food for herbivores, the joint development of devices that enable them to buy food, regardless of plant defense mechanisms. Some of these changes are:
Can reduce the synthesis of enzymes, secondary plant compounds
* The existence of internal symbiotic bacteria, fungi, and protozoa to break down the cellulose from plant, so that they can be digested by herbivores helps
* Mechanical modifications to eat incisors months helps the soft leaves.
Among these adaptations is the most important host manipulation mechanism by which herbivores eat plants better. According to recent research by Renato Almeida Sarmento and his team performed, manipulates its host Tetranychus invasive Evans (red) with signaling pathways in defense mechanism [1] involved disturbing.
Primary hosts T. Evans that the potato, such as tomatoes, potatoes, etc., snuff, mites The pins in the leaves, and food, leading to bleaching or yellowing of the leaves. Then the leaves fall and heavy attack, when the plant dies. Sarmento study shows that T. Evans to manipulate the host’s defense mechanism to inhibit the induction of salicylic acid and jasmonic acid signaling pathways in plant protection products in tomato plants involved. Salicylic acid and jasmonic acid plays an important role in plant immunity. Mites reduce the amount of the inducible defense and volatile compounds (eg, protease inhibitors), which plays a crucial role in plant defense. As a result of research by Sarmento, allows a better understanding of plant-herbivore interactions. It opens the door for future research in two directions:
* Biological control of Tetranychus Evans, at an affordable price to the farmer.
* The development of varieties in a position to combat manipulation of herbivores.