Kamis, 28 April 2011


This also applies to car rentals today is not difficult to rent a cheap car, the rate of price inflation, an additional increase in gas prices is difficult to lower the prices of existing products, then I Here are some tips for cheap car rentals, even when other factors make it expensive.
Cheap car rentals
1.CHECK web rather than over the counter. Internet sites offer discounts that can be very beneficial to you, you can reach by car fun, as discounts like these to your advantage and will surely win a lot. Most rental companies require that you fill the tank if so, how to return the rental car, fill out the cheapest gas that you feel more as if they could save gas pay a price too high .
2.Si can always just rent a car company, car rental companies often give their expensive cars, discounts, coupons, and sometimes even miles.
3.Ask the car to the flyers redeem miles for car rental miles. This is particularly useful when-flier miles about to expire, rather than let loose a cheap car to reach them.
4. To book a cheap rental car as soon as possible, try to car rental companies offer discounts to customers booking in advance.

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